Person Profile

The Person Profile content type provides a standard format for displaying information about faculty, staff and students across KU websites. The profiles are very flexible and contain fields for many types of information. The information can be pulled from Faculty Pro, if the individual is a tenured or tenure track faculty member, or can be entered manually.

NOTE: Faculty Pro must be enabled by your site administrator before it is made available to the Person profile.

READ: CMS to Faculty Pro Guide

To create a Person Profile:

  1. Click Add content in the gray shortcut bar in the admin console. Select Person profile.
  2. Give the Person profile page a Title, usually the person's name
  3. Expand the Faculty Pro, Personal Info, and Bio accordions to expose the available fields. (See below for field descriptions). Populate the fields.
  4. Provide a tag in the Tags field
  5. Optionally, enter an alternate listing order
  6. Optionally, provide a menu link
    Refer to the Menus Instruction page for more information about Menus
  7. Publish or save the page

Person profile


When creating a Person Profile page you are presented with multiple options for content:

  • Name – required field
  • Title – Click the “Add another item” button for multiple levels for the Faculty titles
  • Email – official KU email address
  • Phone – Office Phone
  • Building Address – Information for the person’s office
  • Picture - Click the Browse button to upload a photo.
    NOTE: the photo must be 180x225 pixels and at most 60kb in size. The image must be saved in .jpg or .png format.
  • Brief Summary – main content area for the faculty member.
  • Video embed code – allows for video embed code. For information about using KU’s video streaming service, Kaltura, visit this page.
  • Personal Links – add links to personal websites or websites related to the person’s position
  • All other content- allows for information that doesn’t make sense in any of the other before mentioned sections.
  • Tags – Field that can be used to group together persons in specific listings (see below)

Person Listing

Person profiles are pulled into pages by assigning a tag to the profile, then grouping the profiles on a General Content page using token code.

OPTION: If you would like to have names appear in the left navigation, assign the person profile a menu link.

Once you have entered in some faculty profiles, you can display them in a listing using some specialized code. To do this:

  1. Create a new General Content Page
  2. In the Body area, type in:
    (=tags is an optional parameter. If you type in tags (separated by commas), you can use the tag to filter the profiles displayed. For instance, if you used "leadership" as the tag for your dean, you could get a list with only your dean by typing [view:people=list=leadership]
  3. Publish or save the page.

Person Profile List Example

By default the listing is in alphabetical order by last name. Alternatively you can enter in an "alternate order" number and have it sort by that instead using the following syntax: [view:people=listalt=tags]

Faculty Pro

About the Integration of Faculty PRO & KU's CMS

Faculty Professional Record Online (PRO), a professional database for faculty to manage professional information on teaching, research and service, now integrates with KU’s Web content management system. Prior to the Faculty PRO-CMS integration, faculty member's professional information was manually entered into the CMS by the departmental Web editors. Now, when Faculty PRO is used with the CMS, selected content for tenured and tenure-track faculty is pulled dynamically from Faculty PRO, eliminating the need to have it be entered manually in the CMS.

Faculty Member enters information into Faculty PRO, which is then pushed to various websites every 12 hours

This has many advantages:

  1. Faculty members are in control of their information. Faculty members update their own information in one place—Faculty PRO. Their information is then updated in the enabled Web pages (with a 12-hour delay).
  2. The same content can easily be shared out through multiple websites making the pages more consistent.
  3. This opens the future possibility for a University-wide faculty directory.
  4. The database system and Web integration could pave the way for additional collaborative opportunities in the future, such as connecting instructors and researchers based on their special areas of research and teaching through keywords.
    Teaching Keywords

For more on Faculty PRO, see the Faculty PRO website.

How to Enable Faculty PRO on Your Site

A site administrator for your website can easily enable Faculty PRO integration.  

  1. Sign in as a Site Administrator.
  2. Click "Configuration."
  3. Click "1. Site & Template Settings."
  4. At the bottom of this page, check "Enable Faculty PRO".
  5. Click "Save Configuration."

Enable Faculty Pro

Once you have this enabled, you will see the Faculty PRO option appear when editing or creating a Person Profile page.


How to Create a Profile Page using Faculty PRO Information

  1. Click Add content in the gray shortcut toolbar
  2. Click Person profile
  3. Below the Tttle of the page, click the Faculty PRO accordion. You will see the following options:
    A view of the Faculty PRO fields within the Person Profile page on the CMS
  4. Look up the person by typing their last name into the Faculty PRO User field. The system will automatically display a list of people based on the information you've entered. Select the correct faculty member or researcher.
    A view of the Faculty PRO fields within the Person Profile page on the CMS
  5. Under Information to pull from Faculty Pro, select the individual fields you would like to populate with Faculty PRO information. Or, choose Select All.
  6. Once you've selected the fields, scroll down and in the gray boxes you will see the information populated from Faculty PRO.
    A view of fields from Faculty PRO on a person profile page
  7. When finished, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save.

As with all pages created in the CMS, the Contact Page will be placed into Draft status when saved. You can use the Workbench to change the status to Published.

How to Override Information from Faculty PRO

Once you've populated the person profile page with information from Faculty PRO, you can edit or change the information pulled from Faculty PRO within the CMS. It is important to note that changing the information within the CMS will not change the information within Faculty PRO.

  1. De-select the field that you pulled from Faculty PRO.
    A picture of the de-selected field
  2. Scroll down to the field and type over the information.
    A picture of the information typed over
  3. When finished, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save.

As with all pages created in the CMS, the Contact Page will be placed into Draft status when saved. You can use the Workbench to change the status to Published.


Educational background and degrees earned can be imported from PRO and will appear under the Bio tab.

Education 1


Selecting “Highest Degree” will add the degree information to the faculty member’s profile.




Publications can be imported from Faculty PRO. This gives you the distinct advantage of pre-formatted publication styles, displaying all the publications the faculty member has selected for their website in the citation format of their choice.

Publication option


Selecting “Show All Publications Link” will create a link at the bottom of the Publications tab to every publication in the faculty member’s profile.

Publication option
Publication option

Creative Works

Creative works can be imported from Faculty PRO. Creative works include anything flagged for webpage display in either Artistic Works or Exhibitions.
creative option

Creative example


Grants can be imported from Faculty PRO. Grants can be displayed with or without the dollar amount, depending on the setting you choose.
Grant option

Grant example

Grant example

CMS Help

If you are experiencing a critical issue with your live website, please contact the IT Customer Service Center at 864-8080 or

For questions on CMS policy, look & feel, and all other issues, please visit our help page.

Please contact web services at 864-6415 or for help with your site

Online help can be found under the How-To's section of this website.